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Post-Baccalaureate Pre-Allied Health

Post-Baccalaureate (Certificate)

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Post-Baccalaureate Pre-Allied Health Program Overview

Prepare for a career as a physician assistant, pharmacist, physical therapist or other allied health profession.

正规博彩十大网站排名的预联合健康后学士研究生证书课程为学生提供必要的科学基础, cohort community.

我们课程的严谨性-包括个性化的健康专业建议-为您在您选择的健康专业领域进一步接受教育做好准备. 我们相信我们社区的力量,并将一路支持您, 从你的学术科学课程到你在春季学期完成的备考课程.

Even if you have little to no science background, 我们的后学士学位预科健康研究生证书课程将为令人兴奋的健康教育事业铺平道路. 想象你自己是一个物理治疗师、药剂师或医师助理!

任何本科学历的有志之士均可, 当你在一个支持性的环境中为健康专业项目做准备时,这个后学士学位项目帮助你建立同伴网络.

As a graduate certificate, the program is eligible for federal financial aid, which may help you invest in your next step.

Allied health sciences students posing and smiling.

What You’ll Learn in Our Pre-Allied Health Program

You’re serious about your education. 你知道,在申请卫生专业项目时,你需要有坚实的科学基础才能具有竞争力. 而这正是你将通过我们的Pre-Allied Health Post-Bacc项目获得的.

从综合生物学到解剖学和生理学以及其他实验室科学, 我们具有挑战性的课程将为您申请梦想中的专业学校做好准备. 我们的专业教师也为您准备好了MCAT, GRE或DAT.

我们在艾格尼丝·斯科特的联合医疗后学士课程的众多特色之一, you’ll appreciate opportunities like the following:

  • 来自专家顾问的个性化指导和职业指导. Our goal is your success. We’ll help you choose courses, 讨论工作的可能性,并为你选择的领域的进一步专业教育做准备.
  • Volunteer experience, 亚特兰大当地医院的辅导和社区服务项目, clinics and nonprofit organizations. 把你所学的东西付诸实践,使你的学习充满活力,并给你宝贵的医疗保健经验.
  • A recommendation letter from our committee. 符合条件的学生将收到一封个性化的委员会信,这将确保您的健康专业申请从其他申请人中脱颖而出.

Post-Baccalaureate Pre-Allied Health Program Highlights


Does a small cohort model really make a difference, especially to a high-achieving career-changer like you? 经历过我们的学士学位后预专职健康课程的学生将我们的小队列模式归功于他们在艾格尼丝·斯科特的学术经历.

当你加强你的团队合作能力时,你会建立一个强大的同伴关系网. 我们的小型学士后课程课程由关怀教授, dedicated and experienced faculty, 确保你得到个性化的关注和指导.

“不管你是刚从大学毕业,还是像我一样带着三个孩子转行! — it takes dedication and drive, 但是这个项目将为你提供工具和指导,让你取得比你想象的更多的成就.” -Eva Cimaglia, Agnes Scott student, class of 2023


Maybe you studied English in college. Perhaps you took a few science classes. 或者你一直想成为一名医师助理. 

你过去的学术背景不能决定你是否被我们的Pre-Allied Health Post-Bacc项目录取. Your achievements and determination do. 

我们的Pre-Allied Health Post-Bacc课程非常适合任何需要坚实的科学基础来申请PA课程的人. 你将与其他学生一起学习. 我们将帮助你为健康专业学校的申请过程做好准备, a critical step in your ongoing educational journey. 

As an added opportunity, 阿格尼斯·斯科特的学士学位后学生也受益于与阿格尼斯·斯科特医师助理项目的联系. 目前参加本课程的合格学生将保证参加入学面试, 有可能实现他们成为医师助理的目标.

Learn more about linkages with our Post-Bacc Pre-Med Program.

A Team of Advisors to Support Your Every Step

从您申请我们的预专职健康后学士课程的那一刻起,到您收到毕业证书的那一天, our faculty and staff walk with you on your academic journey. 我们的健康教育顾问根据您独特的目标和愿望提供个性化的学术指导.


Learn More About Our Personal Health Professions Advising

Meet the Faculty

Carlee Bishop

Carlee A. Bishop

Professor of Physics

Mary Nell Higley '01

Mary Nell Higley Summey '01


Careers in Medicine Following Our Pre-Allied Health Program

当你从我们的Pre-Allied Health Post-Bacc项目中获得毕业证书时,你有广泛的职业选择. That’s because your rigorous coursework in biology, anatomy, 生理学和微生物学为你在健康教育道路上迈出下一步做好准备.

到2031年,医疗保健行业预计将增长13%, with 2 million new jobs created in the next decade, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Jobs in Health Professions 艾格尼丝·斯科特(Agnes Scott)的Pre-Allied Health Post-Bacc课程为您在医学领域的未来做好准备. Start here. Apply to the medical program of your choice.


  • Pharmacist
  • Physician Assistant
  • Physical Therapist
  • Occupational Therapist
  • Respiratory Therapist

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